Tuesday, August 8, 2023

The Secessionist Movement and Political Decentralization in Papua New Guinea


Papua New Guinea, a country that gained independence from Australia in 1975, experienced a secessionist movement prior to its independence. This movement was particularly prominent in the southern region of Papua and the district of Bougainville. In response to these movements and to address grievances, the government of Papua New Guinea implemented political decentralization through the creation of the Organic Law on Provincial Government in 1973. This law aimed to establish a system of governance that would promote efficiency, accountability, and self-reliance at the provincial level. In this blog, we will explore the secessionist movement and the impact of political decentralization in Papua New Guinea.

The Secessionist Movement

1. The Papuan nationalist movement: The Papuan nationalist movement emerged as a challenge to the Papua New Guinea state in early 1970s to independence. However, it lacked cohesive support and gradually faded away. The involvement of the well-educated local elite in government and commerce contributed to the movement's decline.

2. Bougainville: The district of Bougainville, known for its important copper and gold mine at Panguna, became the center of the most dramatic challenge to the Papua New Guinea state. The Bougainville Revolutionary Army (BRA) was formed in 1988, leading to a civil war that lasted until 1998. Grievances over environmental damage, lack of benefits for local people, and perceived neglect from the central government fueled the conflict.

 Political Decentralization

1. The Organic Law on Provincial Government: The Organic Law on Provincial Government, enacted in 1973, aimed to decentralize political power and promote self-rule at the provincial level. It sought to address grievances and prevent further conflicts by granting more autonomy and self-reliance to local governments.

2. Implementation challenges: The implementation of decentralization faced challenges, including conflicts between national aims and difficulties in capacity-building at the local government level. Reconciling decentralization with the goal of equality was particularly challenging.

Impact and Future Developments

1. Bougainville Peace Agreement: The Bougainville Peace Agreement, signed in 2001, recognized the importance of decentralization and provided for the establishment of an autonomous Bougainville government. This agreement aimed to bring stability and address the fluid party affiliations of Papua New Guinea's politicians. 

2. Continuing challenges: Papua New Guinea continues to grapple with issues of decentralization and governance. The country's post-independence relationship with Australia, its former colonial ruler, has also been a factor in its political development.


In conclusion, the secessionist movement in Papua New Guinea prior to its independence and the subsequent implementation of political decentralization through the Organic Law on Provincial Government in 1973 have shaped the country's political landscape. While the secessionist movement faded over time, the challenges and grievances it highlighted led to the adoption of decentralization as a means to address these issues. The impact of decentralization and the ongoing efforts to strengthen governance and self-rule at the provincial level continue to shape Papua New Guinea's political climate.


[1] https://successfulsocieties.princeton.edu/document

[2] https://www.britannica.com/place/Papua-New-Guinea/Attempts-at-secession

[3] https://successfulsocieties.princeton.edu/publications/provincial-secessionists-and-decentralization-papua-new-guinea-1985-1995

[4] https://successfulsocieties.princeton.edu/document

[5] https://pngnri.org/images/Publications/DP_143

[6] https://www.jstor.org/stable/

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